Why is SEO Critical?

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Why is SEO Critical?

Despite the ever-changing and challenging digital world, SEO continues to be the key factor in any successfully run digital marketing campaign. An effective campaign can provide a high ROI in a way that is measurable and easy to implement.

Google looks for a few different things when ranking, these include:

  1. How long your website and content have been discoverable
  2. If you have high-quality links both from both your site and other relevant domains… credibility is vital
  3. Simple and superior content with relevant keywords that are both thought-provoking and concise

When developing your digital marketing strategy consider SEO for these 7 simple reasons…

Visibility & Brand Awareness – by appearing high in search results, you will become a recognizable name and gain vital brand credibility.

Increase Traffic – SEO will bring the right people (target audience), to the right place (your site), at the right time (24/7). Your site will appear in relevant search results, and in return increase your traffic from interested customers.

Usability – SEO makes your site easier for users to navigate, not to mention that information and relevant pages become easier for the users to find. Visitors leave sites if they are hard to navigate or can’t find exactly what they are looking for at that precise moment in time, so having a user-friendly site will increase browsing time on your site and reduce your bounce rate.

Improved ROI (return on investment) – Who doesn’t like to see a return on their investment? Using SEO is a strategically focused inbound marketing strategy, that ultimately leads to brand loyalty. Customers will be happy that they can quickly find your site, and in turn, will lead to an increase in repeat traffic… therefore you are likely to see more visits and sales per units spend.

Competitive Edge – Using your own unique keywords will help you stand out from your competitors. By keeping an eye on emerging trends and effectively adapting your marketing campaign will help you stay ahead of the game, and one step ahead of the competition.

Customer Insights – By using analytics to analyze customer trends, you can gain insight into what your customers want and where they are the most active. This ultimately allows you to narrow in on your best marketing strategies, focusing on customer interests.

Sustainability – SEO marketing can have benefits even when you stop paying for advertising. Optimizing your website for SEO will bring in organic traffic, attracting a new customer base even after your marketing campaign has wrapped… this is remembered by Google and will help with your ranks.

Although our digital world is everchanging, SEO still has a prominent place in digital marketing strategy. Are you ready for SEO?

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